13 Remote Job Interview Questions and Ways to Answer

You’ll want to list out the tools and technology you’ve used in the past, and if you really want to stand out be prepared to explain how and why your team used them. Think about the tradeoffs you made when picking them, what could be improved, and how you leveraged them to build in more space for deep work. Chances are you won’t have experience with all the tools they use and that’s fine. Be sure to mention you’re comfortable picking up new things.

  • You probably noticed that these are all soft skills, which means they aren’t as easy to quantify as, say, whether you know JavaScript or can manage a Twitter account.
  • But, you never know when the power will go out, or the Internet will cut out.
  • Also, ask candidates whether they have the necessary equipment to work remotely (e.g. a computer and internet connection) unless your company provides it.
  • With that in mind, it’s crucial that you show employers that you know how to stay engaged with your job.
  • I refocused our strategy for the next quarter, and I’m happy to say that we hit our target.
  • Even as vaccines roll out and life returns to some semblance of normal, remote work is here to stay.

Just as communication is crucial when you work remotely, meetings are also huge. Because you won’t have those chance encounters in the elevator or informal conversations in the lunch room, you have to take full advantage of the limited time you do have during video or phone meetings with team members. And your future employer wants to know that you know how to do that. Details you never had to consider when interviewing at the office — your background, screen presence and technology, for example — must now be part of any well-planned meeting.

Don’t forget that you’re interviewing, too.

For them, “cracking the code” on remote interviewing is just as critical. A remote job interview with video is a bit tricky, but you can blame human nature. It’s natural to want to look at everything that’s happening remote interview meaning on screen. It’s normal to be nervous before any interview, and a remote job interview is no exception. Just because you’re at home where it’s safe and familiar, doesn’t mean you aren’t going to get butterflies.

AI-powered interviews critical for staying competitive in evolving job market, says InCruiter – People Matters

AI-powered interviews critical for staying competitive in evolving job market, says InCruiter.

Posted: Fri, 29 Sep 2023 04:31:06 GMT [source]

When you’re part of a distributed team, you’re pretty likely to run into situations where you don’t feel 100% clear about what you’ve been tasked with. And while that’s normal and totally understandable, it’ll be important for you to demonstrate that you know how to navigate these gray areas. “Managers want to be confident that you will be able to find the right people and information to engage with for a deliverable without having them right in front of you,” Jones says. The relationship between an employer and a remote employee is one that’s founded on trust and understanding.

Hiring Software Developers: On-Site vs. Remote

Employers want to know that you’re someone who really gets their company, from what the firm’s overarching goals are to the reasons why they’re remote—and how it works. Hopefully, you won’t encounter any technical glitches during your remote job interview. But, you never know when the power will go out, or the Internet will cut out. The interviewer will share more information about the company and its work culture.

  • How a candidate interacts with you and other team members is a key indicator for future collaborations.
  • Try to communicate the technical difficulties as quickly as possible (send an email or give them a call if you have to) so you don’t miss part of the job interview.

Take a few minutes in the time leading up to your interview to prepare. That said, some companies will want the founder to interview you, especially for management roles or a highly paid position within the company. Do not be surprised if you have 4-5 interviews, although this is rare for most remote jobs. Here is what you need to know about the remote job interview process. Companies that offer remote jobs know that everyone has times when it is a challenge to stay focused when working at home.

Tell me about a time when you had to adapt to change

Can you think of a time when you needed to be proactive about researching how to do something? Being prepared with specific examples of your ability to figure things out on your own or pull in the right resources when needed will show the interviewer you’ll be able to do the same in this role and give you a leg up. This is another excellent example of a situational interview question and the perfect opportunity to use the STAR method. Leech advises including a detailed example of how you’ve resolved a conflict in the past. “If you weren’t able to resolve things, share what you should have done instead, as it demonstrates an ability and desire to learn from your mistakes,” she says.

remote job interview process

Be sure you have a way to reach the interviewer in case the technology fails. “The last thing you want is to be disfluent in a high-pressure situation,” advises Markman. “People are going to be as forgiving as possible, but if you can demonstrate that you’ve thought through the contingencies, it’ll convey competence.” And set up the best possible circumstances for the technology to work. For example, Markman suggests asking others in your household to not stream TV while you’re doing the interview. You can also reach out directly to former colleagues who you’ve lost touch with. You could send them an invitation on LinkedIn or an email asking how they’re doing, explain your situation, and ask if they have any advice as you’re looking for your next position.






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